Fix This site can’t be reached error in Gooogle Chrome: Most of Google Chrome users must have faced ‘This site can’t be reached error‘ but didn’t have any clue how to fix it? Then don’t worry troubleshooter is at your disposal to fix this issue easily. The cause of this error is that DNS lookup failed so the web page is not available. When you try to open any website or web page, you received the error and it says Error code:
This site can’t be reached
The connection was reset.
- Checking the connection
- Checking the proxy and the firewall
- Running Windows Network Diagnostics
The server at any website can’t be found because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website’s name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
When a DNS server can’t convert a domain name to an IP address in a TCP/IP network then there is a DNS failure error. A DNS failure occurs because of the misconfiguration of DNS address or because of Windows DNS client is not working.
Fix This site can’t be reached error in Gooogle Chrome
Method 1: Restart DNS client
1.Press Windows Key + R then type “services.msc” and hit enter to open Services window.
2.Scroll down till you find “DNS Client” (Press D to easily find it).
3.Right-click on DNS Client and select Restart.
4.Now the DNS client will restart, go and check if the error is resolved or not.
Method 2: Change IPv4 DNS Address
1.Right-click on the Network icon in the system tray and click on “Open Network and Sharing Center.”
2.Click on your active Network Connection and then click Properties.
3.Inside the Wi-Fi Properties windows select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)” and click Properties.
4.Checkmark on “Use the following DNS server addresses.”
5.Type the following address in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server:
6.Checkmark on “Validate settings upon exit” then click OK and click Close.
7.This must have Fix This site can’t be reached error in Gooogle Chrome.
Method 3: Try resetting TCP/IP
1. Right click on Windows Button and select “Command Prompt(Admin).”
2.Now type the following command and press enter after each one:
(a) ipconfig /release
(b) ipconfig /all
(c) ipconfig /flushdns
(d) ipconfig /renew
(e) netsh int ip set dns
(f) netsh winsock reset
3.Reboot to apply changes.
Method 4: Reset Gooogle Chrome settings
1.Open Google Chrome then type “chrome://flags/” (without quotes) in the address bar and hit enter.
2.In the next window proceed with caution and click on “Reset all to default.”
3.Finally, reboot to apply changes and launch Google Chrome.
4.This must have fix This site can’t be reached error if not continue to last method.
Method 5: Reinstall Chrome
1.Go to Control Panel and click “Uninstall a program” and uninstall Google Chrome from your PC.
2.Navigate to C:\Users\%your_name%\AppD
3.Download the latest version of Google Chrome Browser and install it.
4.Reboot your computer, open Chrome and try again.
Originally posted on July 26, 2017 @ 6:53 am
Clear system DNS cache, Clear your browser cache, clear cookies, or use another Internet service provider.