If your /tmp is too small, then you will face /tmp full issue. cPanel by default create /tmp with 512mb space. For shared hosting server 512mb is too small. However, we will teach you “how to increase /tmp size” on our next tutorial.
If you face /tmp full issue, you can clear your tmp using tmpwatch. Also you can remove session file.
First wee need to install tmpwatch.
yum install tmpwatch -y
once tmpwatch is installed run following command-
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch --mtime --all 24 /tmp
This will delete all files over 24 hours old. We can configure cronjob to automated this process.
from SSH type:
crontab -e
Go to the very bottom and paste
0 4 * * * /usr/sbin/tmpwatch –mtime –all 24 /tmp
then press Control+X you will get confirmation do you want to save. Type Y for yes, and press enter.
Also we can delete session file using following command.
# cd /tmp
# rm -rf sess_*
Originally posted on August 17, 2016 @ 1:00 pm