* Firstly make sure you have a phone that is GPRS enabled
*To Activate the GPRS for MTN you send Settings to 3888 and for other network you call the Customer Care ‘Glo – 121’ ‘Zain – 111’ but if you are looking for the Manual Configuration:
MTN GPRS Manual Configuration:
Profile Name: MTN
homepage: http://wap.mtnonline.com
username: web
password: web
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
ip address:
port no: 8080,9201,9119(depending on the type of phone).
ZAIN GPRS Manual Configuration:
Account Name: Zain GPRS
homepage: http://wap.ng.zain.com
username: wap
password: wap
APN: wap.ng.zain.com
ip address:
port no: 8080 or 9201
Authentication Type: Normal
Data Bearer: Packet Data or send phone type ‘space’ phone type ‘space’ model and send to 232
GLO GPRS Manual Configuration:
Account Name: Glo GPRS
Homepage: wap.gloworld.com
Username: Web
Password: web
Access Point Number: glogwap
Proxy Address:
Proxy port Number: 8080
Authentication Type: Normal
Data Bearer: Packet Data
ETISALAT Manual Configuration:
Account Name: Etisalat
Username: blank
Password: blank
Access Point Number: etisalat
ip address:
port no: 9201 or 8080
Authentication Type: Normal
Originally posted on May 5, 2011 @ 6:59 pm