Dear esteemed customer,
We are using this opportunity to say a BIG THANK YOU for your Patronage. PhilmoreHost clocks 7yrs today.
Little Message from the CEO “From our very first web hosting server to our latest state-of-the-art cloud hosting services, PhilmoreHost has come a long way in our first decade of business, today, our service range covers almost every type of business, with shared web hosting plans, semi-dedicated servers, reseller hosting, cloud hosting, and much more. We wouldn’t be here if you were not. So, Thank you.”
We are also letting you know that we are rolling out a new discount coupon for all our hosting services.
You will now be able to save more on new orders and renewals as a gratitude for patronizing us.
Use the discount coupon for hosting: 25OFF
Discount Code expires on 30-11-2017
Use the discount coupon for domain registration: 6OFFD
Discount Code expires on 30-11-2017
Thank you very much.
CEO – PhilmoreHost.com
Originally posted on November 1, 2017 @ 2:45 pm