After your Google Adsesne balance reaches a certain limit, Google sends you a PIN at your address that you have to enter in your account to make Google believe that you exist. But what if you never receive the PIN?
This happens very often with the people who are living far away from U.S or especially they are living somewhere in a village. Here is how to verify Google Adsense Account without PIN code.
Here we go.

Take your mobile phone or a camera would work better and snap some pictures of your ID card or driving license or electricity bill.
Make sure that that card or anything that you are going to capture contains information in Google’s supported language. Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that Google Adsense team members are also human beings so make sure that images are clear enough that the whole info can be easily read.
After that, go to your Google Adsense account and go to the page where there is option to enter the PIN code.
Instead of adding PIN code, click or upload documents (something like this should be there below) and upload your pictures. You would get your account verified within 48 hours.

Or use Phone Verification CLICK HERE

Originally posted on October 30, 2013 @ 10:59 pm

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